United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon - translation to Αγγλικά
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United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon - translation to Αγγλικά

UN Interim Force in Lebanon; UNIFIL; United Nations Interim Forces In Lebanon; United Nations Interim Force In Lebanon; FINUL; Unifil; UNIFL
  • Adchit al-Qusayr]], [[Southern Lebanon]], 2020
  • C.I.S.S. humanitarian staff with Italian UNIFIL soldiers in Lebanon
  • UNIFIL base
  • The entrance to the UN base where four UN peacekeepers were killed during the conflict
  • [[Fiji]]an soldiers visiting UNIFIL OP during a patrol
  • [[Irish Army]] peacekeepers during an inspection while serving with UNIFIL on 19 September 2013.
  • Blue Line]] during the [[COVID-19 pandemic]]
  • A soldier from the [[Italian Army]] stands guard during the UNIFIL mission in Lebanon
  • Italian UN soldiers arriving in Lebanon, 2006
  • KRI ''Usman Harun'']] steam along the [[Mediterranean Sea]]. KRI ''Usman Harun'' arrived to relieve KRI ''Bung Tomo'' in UNIFIL's Maritime Task Force mission
  • Dutch UNIFIL base, 1981
  • [[Lebanon cedar]] planted in [[Newbridge, County Kildare]], Ireland to commemorate Irish soldiers who died on UN service.
  • Finnish XA-180]] in the UNIFIL operation in [[Lebanon]]
  • UNIFIL [[Sisu Pasi]] in the snow, close to the Israeli border in South-Lebanon, 1998
  • alt=
  • alt=
  • Unfinished memorial for UNIFIL casualties in Tyre, 2019
  • Map showing the deployment of UNIFL forces as of February 2018.
  • [[Indonesian National Armed Forces]] UNIFIL peacekeepers, 2007
  • A 2004 Easter mass in South Lebanon by the French UNIFIL contingent

United Nations Interim Force In Lebanon         
n. United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon, UNIFIL, UN-Friedenstruppe im Südlibanon im Jahre 1978 für die Überwachung des israelischen Abzugs aus dem Libanon und der Wiederherstellung des internationalen Friedens und Sicherheit als auch zur Unterstützung der libanesischen Regierung bei der Wiederherstellung dessen Amtsgewalt in der Region gegründet
United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon         
United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon, UNIFIL, peacekeepers agency of the United Nations that was formed in 1978, to ensure that the Israelis withdraw from Lebanon and to restore international peace and security
United Nations Peacekeeping Forces         
  •  Bangladesh forces under MINUSMA Mali.
  • Alpine Helicopters contract [[Bell 212]] on UN peacekeeping duty in [[Guatemala]], 1998.
  • A Pakistani UNOSOM armed convoy making the rounds in Mogadishu.
  • Australian peacekeepers in [[East Timor]]
  • 100px
  • Norwegian]] Peacekeeper during the [[Siege of Sarajevo]], 1992–1993.
  • Guard of Honor]] during UN Medal Awarding Parade at Bunia, Orientale, the [[Democratic Republic of the Congo]] by [[Bangladesh UN Peacekeeping Force]]
  • San Martin]] Camp in [[Cyprus]]. The Argentine contingent includes troops from other Latin American countries.
  • Polish]] peacekeeper in [[Syria]]
  • UNFICYP]].
  •  Bangladesh Emergency Crash and Rescue Section of MONUSCO Force, in Bunia, Ituri.
  • access-date=7 March 2020}}</ref>
  • A multinational UN battalion at the 2008 [[Bastille Day military parade]]
  • Operation CONTINUE HOPE]].
UN peacekeeping; UN Peacekeeping; United Nations Peace-Keeping Forces; UN Peacekeeper; United Nations Peacekeeping Forces; Blue helmets; United Nations Peacekeeping; Blue Helmets; Blue Helmet; UN Peace Keeping Forces; UN peacekeeping operations; UN Peacekeeping Operations; UN Peacekeeping Forces; United Nations Peace Keeping Force; UN peacekeeping forces; UN Peacekeepers; UN peacekeepers; United Nations peacekeepers; UN Peace keepers; UN Peacekeeping forces; UN Peace Keeping Operation; U.N. peacekeepers; United Nations Peacekeeping Force; UN peacekeeper; United Nations peacekeeping force; Blue helmet; U.N. peacekeeping operations; U.N. peacekeeping; U.N. Peacekeeping; Human rights violations in United Nations peacekeeping missions; Human rights abuses by UN peacekeepers
n. Friedenstruppen der Vereinten Nationen, von der UNO unterhaltene Truppen zur Erhaltung und Wiederherstellung von Frieden in einer von Kämpfen geplagten Region


blue helmet
¦ noun a member of a United Nations peacekeeping force.


United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon

The United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (Arabic: قوة الأمم المتحدة المؤقتة في لبنان, Hebrew: כוח האו"ם הזמני בלבנון), or UNIFIL (Arabic: يونيفيل, Hebrew: יוניפי״ל), is a UN peacekeeping mission established on 19 March 1978 by United Nations Security Council Resolutions 425 and 426, to confirm Israeli withdrawal from Lebanon which Israel had invaded five days prior, in order to ensure that the government of Lebanon would restore its effective authority in the area. The 1978 South Lebanon conflict came in the context of Palestinian insurgency in South Lebanon and the Lebanese Civil War.

The mandate had to be adjusted twice, due to the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982 and after the Israeli withdrawal from Lebanon in 2000. Following the 2006 Lebanon War, the United Nations Security Council enhanced UNIFIL and decided that in addition to the original mandate, it would, among other things, monitor the cessation of hostilities; accompany and support the Lebanese Armed Forces as they deploy throughout the south of Lebanon; and extend its assistance to help ensure humanitarian access to civilian populations and the voluntary and safe return of displaced persons.

UNIFIL's mandate is renewed annually by the United Nations Security Council; it was most recently extended on 31 August 2022 with the passing of United Nations Security Council Resolution 2650. It is composed of 10,000 peacekeepers from 46 nations, tasked with helping the Lebanese Army keep the south of the country protected. Its funding is approved on an annual basis by the General Assembly. It had a budget of $474 million for the period July 2018 to June 2019.

Παραδείγματα από το σώμα κειμένου για United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon
1. "The Israelis cannot ask UNIFIL [United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon] to disarm Hezbollah.
2. Mine Action Coordination Center attached to the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon.
3. In any event, UNIFIL – the United Nations Interim Force In Lebanon – has increased its routine patrols in the area.
4. "This is an important step towards finalizing preparations to deploy the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon," he said.
5. Milos Stugar, spokesman for the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon, or UNIFIL, said that the request was granted.